I know we've been putting this off, but it keeps coming up. I consider myself to be rather conservative when it comes to this issue. I only want to allow people that we have played with and "know". Playing with someone once isn't gonna cut it...They are gonna have to come to the website and post. They are gonna have to talk to us and really tell us what they think about online gaming. They are gonna have to prove that they are not gonna be jerky numb-skulls in-game. There is gonna have to be some "prove yourself" dungeon crawls where we invite the applicant in and let them come and prove themselves...and like I said, once is not enough for me...they are gonna have to come back several times. In my mind, if someone is willing to go through that then they are gonna be a good nice type of guy that would add to the experience by just being there. I also think we should require that the applicants get so many of us to vouch for them...like 5 members have to vouch for an applicant to be allowed in. Concerning those folks that we know in real life that want to play they are already members as far as i'm conserned...if Dewayn Collins ...just as an example... decided to start playing...he is in... we "know" him, he has proven himself in real life. Thats why Keaton is just in...we know the guy. There are some folks from my days of EQ and DAOC that I would vouch for, but not many...online gamers are just not always upstanding folks...we do not know them in real life and so they are willing sometimes to do unacceptable things in game. I remember once in Ultima Online one player accused some others of sexual harrasment. We just need to be very particular about who we allow on to our server is all I'm trying to say.
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I think what Chris stated in response to Daniel belongs in this thread. You guys try to stick to topic of each thread, please.
Chris said:
I think I understand exactly what Daniel is saying, I sure don't want some retard running amuck killing women, children, and attempting to kill some of us even when there is a story going on that should be paid attention to.
I just commented on the Alignment/Guild Alignment thing because I know the topic has come up a few times and that thought jumped into my head on how to fit more alignment into our story line for the guild. Our guild is driven by the Dragon's need to maintain balance in all things........it just sounded cool - a little hint of Excaliber in there.....
I really like the way we continue to develop our Guild, the story, and the ideas for possibilities down the road; it is excellent to see the collaboration come together.
"Cut statements here and moved to more appropriate thread." -CT3
Guys: I have a friend here at work who has started playing NWN with his girl friend recently (would be nice if Carissa was like that :-). I was telling him about our activities, albeit kind of cyclical, and he asked me to let him know if and when we get together and play. I thought this might be a good time to add a new member to our "Guild". I explained the lethargic progress we've made to him, and he basically said he's not really interested in being an "active" member, in terms of creation and definition, but more of just knowing when we have some online events happening such that maybe he could play with us. So I told him I'd add him to the Blog for notification purposes. He's a good guy. His name is Nico. Let me know if any of you have any vehement objections to my adding him, or not. -CT3
Background check? Well, the 5 vouches thing may not always be feasible. The dungeon crawl test Daniel mentioned isn't a bad idea, but it seems to me what makes the most sense is to just simply add people on a probationary basis for a certain number of dungeon adventures together before we make the final decision as to whether they have actual Blood Brother status or not. Do you guys agree with this? Maybe we should expand on our Blood Brother thread to include a Blood Brother list (actual permanent members) and then also an initiate list (probationary members that are currently under the indoctrination process). Once we have had a few dungeon adventures with the initiates and have reached consensus that the initiate qualifies, then we could make them an actual Blood Brother.
What do you guys think? :-)
I think that if you know this fella in real life and you like him and dont think that he will be a jerk in game that....that is good enough for me...however, if we do ever get more serious about this and play regularly, we may attract folks from online...folks that we cannot meet in real life...I will insist that under those circumstances that we have a probationary period...saw some people really miss-behave in games in the past...
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