
Combat Tactics...ingame

we need to all get on the same page on this. This is my attempt to start a conversation about team work.

First off...we need to stick together...too many folks just running off diffeerent directions and no one making sure that no one is getting left behind. Dad got left behind several times...Chip once...I got left once...that kind of stuff gets whole parties killed.
Next...those who take point, And i think it is a good idea to have one or two point men when exploring a dungeon, need to be fighter types. The point men need to be the two strongest fighter types in the group.
Secondly, we need to all be thinking constantly "are we entering an area that is obviously going to trigger an encounter"? Their were several times when we got surprised and basically had our magical pants down when we should have known...for instance the dragon skeleton of Kodan...that was obvious. We should have stopped right as soon as we spotted it and prepared for a big encounter...with our magical enhancements and spells all powered up we would have taken those drow elves and that drider.
So, I propose that each time everyone starts to run off and leave one of us that we hit the pause until everyone is back on the same page...also, concerning entering trigger points...lets use the pause to always alert everyone. So basically do not pause without saying something to all of us...because we are always gonna expect something to be going down when we pause.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Chris suggested that we establish a norm of ceasing in-game communication as soon as we realize that SOMEONE else has paused...this will prevent the conversation bar from being cluttered while the alert comes across. Also...just incase you guys didnt know this...you can click, hold and drag the top of the comm bar up so that the space provided for comms on your screen is larger.